A Well in Zambia
It’s our CEO Brian’s birthday on July 24 and our Field Director Jeff’s birthday on August 20th this year they’re fundraising to provide clean water.
Our goal is to raise $20,000 by the end of August. We’ll get the funds into the field this fall and deliver as much clean water as we can in India with well repairs, Guatemala with a well drill, Honduras with well repairs and shower stalls & Uganda with well repairs and restorations.
That’s why it’s so important that we reach our $15,000 fundraising target by July 24 and give the community the funds it needs to drill a well as soon as possible.
Once the well is in place, it will be a gamechanger. It will help five villages, a clinic, and a school all access safe water every single day. Over 3,500 people are counting on us to fulfill this fundraising request right now.
Will you help us reach our goal with a one-time donation today?